Coming as a boon to the Surat police force, the “Safe City Surat” project that was rolled out in its first phase has brought a glimmer of hope to those who are fed up of crime and violence. The Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated this project on Thursday, 18 July, 2013, as the first of its kind in following the Public Private Partnership business model. With a number of private entrepreneurs having a share in the outworking of this project, it is all set to cover Surat under a blanket of security that spells ill for criminals.
Crime Prevention And Security
Terrorism and huger crimes have their root often in petty crimes. With the new closed circuit television (CCTV) surveillance cameras covering a 200 kilometer radius of the city, the breeding ground of criminals will be virtually wiped out.
While the first phase was initially rolled out, the rest of the project is all set to install 5000 cameras in 500 locations across the city. These wide range cameras are the best in technology, capable of high focus imagery in all types of weather conditions, and are protected from damage and vandalism.
The new CCTV surveillance system is also planned to be used for other purposes such as water level monitoring, fire alarm systems, relief and rescue operations and disaster recovery. This has come especially as a boon at a time when natural calamities are at their peak and people need a solution that can offer more organized rescue work.
With the eye of the police all around, the people of Surat have ample reason to feel safe and secure. The new security model in Surat is a sure path breaker to lay the way out for other cities to emulate.
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