Thursday, 29 August 2013


The most popular brands of the closed –circuit surveillance cameras are unfortunately sold with remote controlled access enabled by default along with weak password security. This classic recipe for security failure could allow the hackers to remotely tap into video feeds.

According to Justin Cacak, the senior security engineer at Gotham Digital Science, the researcher on cctv hacking systems, the cameras used by Banks, retailers, hostels, hospitals and corporations are often insecurely configured due to the manufacturer’s default settings. This permits the hackers to view with impunity the live footage, the archived footage as well as control the direction or zoom of the adjustable cameras.

Cacak and his team conducted penetration tests for their clients. They were able to unearth more than 1000 closed-circuit TV cameras which were exposed to internet and vulnerable to remote compromise, due to the inbuilt deficiencies of the system as well as insecure configuration of them by the companies.

Usually CCTV video surveillance systems are fixed at entrances and exits as well as sensitive areas, such as Bank vaults, server rooms, R&D Labs and expensive equipments locations. Normally they are on areas, from which they are easily visible bur many time they are kept hidden to secretly monitor the movements of employees and others without their knowledge. 

Remote access capability is a convenient feature in many of CCTV systems because the security personnel can view the video feed and control cameras via the internet with laptops or mobile phones. Unfortunately the systems are also susceptible to outside hackers because they are not set up securely. If the feature is enabled by default on purchase, customers may not know this to be the case nor should they take special steps to secure the systems as a result.